What is permaculture ?

Concept de culture inspiré par la nature elle-même, la permaculture prend en compte la biodiversité dans son ensemble. Zoom sur une véritable philosophie qui combine équité, durabilité et coopération pour prendre soin de l’environnement autant que de ses habitants.

Where does permaculture come from ?

Le terme permaculture est né dans les années 70 de la contraction de « permanent agriculture » ou « agriculture permanente », en anglais. Théorisé par le livre des australiens Bill Mollison et David Holmgren paru en 1978, « Perma-Culture 1, une agriculture pérenne pour l’autosuffisance et les exploitations de toutes tailles », le concept s’appuie sur l’observation de la nature. Plus qu’une méthode d’agriculture, il s’agit d’une véritable philosophie qui vise à concevoir des systèmes de développement durable : une façon de vivre éthique qui soigne les Hommes comme la Terre, en créant entre eux des liens dont chacun tire équitablement parti. 

How does permaculture work ?

In concrete terms, permaculture relies on the functioning of natural ecosystems to design sustainable solutions. It is based on community links, resource sharing and environmental preservation. While it applies to habitats as much as to the economy, through sustainable construction or associations and short circuits in particular, its best-known application remains agriculture: it is a method of cultivating the land that preserves biodiversity and soil fertility. To achieve this, permaculture brings together a large number of different techniques, often considered common sense.

For example? Saving water, composting, cultivating on mounds, not leaving the soil bare, creating interactions between fauna and flora, associating plant species, not using toxic chemicals or fertilisers, among other things. Again, these methods aim to reproduce the model of ecosystems naturally found in forests, but on the scale of a garden, city or industrial crop. Permaculture can therefore be applied in your vegetable garden as well as by professional growers – the proof: at Markal, many products are grown in permaculture gardens.

The benefits of permaculture

The greatest benefit of permaculture? Establishing a virtuous cycle between the earth and its inhabitants, whoever they may be. Whether building a house or growing vegetables on a balcony, the method creates a sustainable, economical and, in the long run, partly autonomous cycle. Adopting permaculture products is also a simple way for consumers to commit to new consumption patterns and organic food that respects both the environment and people.

Markal’s permaculture ranges are constantly expanding. Bioshok fruit preserves from Sri Lankan industry can organic permaculture fruit, from sliced pineapple to cubed coconut, jackfruit and fruit cocktail. As for the MARKAL coconut range, it offers the fruit in coconut flour, coconut cream and coconut milk versions, for ever more responsible plant-based cooking. It’s delicious too!