
Black chia seeds

  • Servings 25 servings of 10g
  • Packaging 250g

Chia (Salvia Hispanica L.) is a plant of the lamiaceae family of Mexican origin. Along with beans, corn and amaranth, chia was the staple diet of the Aztecs and Mayans. Chia means strength in Mayan. The Aztecs used it as a source of energy during their 24-hour walks. Small oval seeds (2mm) of light gray color with a fresh and characteristic taste.


Organic Salvia hispanica chia seeds

Tips for use

Chia seeds can be consumed as they are, ground up, or made into a gel. To make the gel, soak the chia seeds in 10 times their volume of water. Leave for at least 30 minutes, stirring from time to time to avoid clumps. Great for sprinkling on cereals, muesli, yoghurt or salads. To make “Chia fresca”, a South American drink, mix the chia seeds with water, lemon juice and sugar. Do not consume more than 15g / day. Keep in a cool, dry and dark place.

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